Friday, November 12, 2010

Dial M For Megaladon (Ch. 6)

Weeks went by, and yet the Magikarp kept on growing weaker and weaker.
"Ninja Edwards was getting sick and tired of her Omanyte always having to use water gun, as it kept on knocking out the poor Pokemon. M Cassie was getting sick and tired pf having to heal the Pokemon multiple times a day. And Megaladon was getting sick and tired of using the only move Magikarp knew.
"C'mon, can't you use a cool move, like Hydro Beam?" Megaladon wailed.
"Karp?" Said the Magikarp.
"Heck, I would be happy with Bite."
Megaladon walked to the other end of the pond in anger. M Cassie and Ninja Edwards stood there awkwardly as Megaladon stormed off, and tainted the air with her colorful vocabulary. Magikarp followed her, and M Cassie tried to take a step forward before being stopped by Ninja Edwards.
"Don't. This isn't your battle. It won't do any good, anyways." She said.
M Cassie began to say something, but thought better of it. The she changed her mind and decided to say it.
"If only she knew how hard that Magikarp is trying, and how much he loves her..."
Ninja placed a hand on her shoulder.
"All in due time, my friend. All in due time."


"What are you looking at?" Shot Megaladon to the Magikarp. She sat on the rocky shore, throwing rocks into the water, and watching them sink. Every so often, she threw a rock at the Magikarp.
"C'mon. Do you know how embarrassing you are? How humiliating it is that I own a Magikarp?"
The Magikarp floated in the clear blue water.
"I mean, here I am, trying to beef up a Pokemon so I can overthrow the Emperor and restore peace and freedom to the galaxy, and what do I get? A Magikarp. A Ma-gi-karp. Karp Karp Karp. You getting this?" She cackled manically.
"But lets get realistic here. I bet you can't even understand me, because you are so stupid. And yet, here I am, talking to you. Maybe I am the stupid one, thinking I can save the galaxy."
She slumped and put her head in her hands.
"I mean, if you knew something other than splash... the most useless move in the universe. Can't you try to make me look better? I guess you can't, because you are the worst Pokemon EVER." She threw another rock at the poor Pokemon, hitting it straight between the eyes.
"You are so dumb. You can't even dodge a rock."
A change happened to the Magikarp. His eyes filled with rage, and something must have clicked, because the Magikarp jumped out of the water, flew into the air, and tackled Megaladon in the head.
"Oh. My. GOD!" She screamed. Ninja and M Cassie ran over to her, terrified.
"What happened? Are you hurt?" M Cassie screamed.
"This Pokemon. THIS MAGIKARP." Megaladon was turning red, except for her eye which was turning purple.
"What? What is wrong with the Magikarp?" Asked Ninja.
"THIS MAGIKARP LEARNED TACKLE!" Megaladon squealed, throwing the Magikarp up into the air, hugging it and kissing it.
M Cassie looked at Ninja, who nodded.
"It's time. C'mon, we are leaving." She said.
"Leaving?What do you mean? We can't go anywhere yet. I need more time! More practice!" Megaladon pleaded.
"It's time. Pack you saddle bags, we have a galaxy to restore!" Ninja repeated.
Megaladon thought hard, before she whistled for Cornelius.
The girls high fived. It was on. Like Donkey Kong.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so happy. Only you could come up with such epic genius.
