It wasn't because Megaladon was a terrible guest, she sometimes helped with the chores. And Cornelius was a delight to have around, though the rose bushes seemed to be growing non stop. the smell was beginning to get to her head.
M Cassie was concerned about the egg, and what was inside of it. The little creature inside was destined for great things, yes, but it would take a while for it to grow into his status. M Cassie wasn't sure Megaladon had what it took to raise the poor creature. And she knew that she wouldn't take kindly to some help, she was somewhat stubborn. Like a locked exit door that wouldn't budge even though there was a major fire and people were trying to get out.
M Cassie made sure her guest was asleep (as usual, in the hammock) before she went up to her tree house to call for backup.
she pulled out her inter-outer extra-terrestrial space telephone, dialed the same 30 digits as usual, and called up Master Ninja Edwards, on of the top 15 secret Pokemon Masters in the Galaxy.
"Hello, Miss Edwards?"
"What up, C?" Ninja answered, with flair.
"I was wondering if I could ask your for a favor..." she lowered her voice. Megaladon was beginning to stir.
"A Pokemon one?"
"Yes! But not so loud. I was wondering if you and you Omanyte could help us beef us an extra special Pokemon. the little buddy is destined for great things!" she squealed.
"Yes! But not so loud. I was wondering if you and you Omanyte could help us beef us an extra special Pokemon. the little buddy is destined for great things!" she squealed.
"Well, what kind of Pokemon we talking 'bout here? the last Pokemon I had to beef up was a Zubat, and that took forever. Never again..." There was a hint of disgust in her voice.
"No, no, no! You don't have to worry about another silly ol' Zubat, this one is a different type!" M Cassie laughed.
Ninja sighed.
"It isn't a-"
"Yeah. I am afraid it is." M Cassie bit her lip.
"Please, can you help us?"
"I don't know. I mean-"
"Help me, Ninja Edwards. You're our only hope!"
Ninja swore colorfully over the line.
"I suppose... but you owe me BIG for this."
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Please come over as soon as you can!"
"Will do," said Ninja, from behind. She was a bit dizzy from the apparation, but other than that, she was looking as good as ever. She was looking as powerful as ever, too, in her black trench coat and her burgundy dress. Her eye patch was a deep blue, as always, and she wore her hair down. Her Omanyte was at her side.
"Must you do that every time?" M Cassie said, her face red and her body shaking.
"Must you call me every time to beef up a lame Pokemon?" Ninja retorted.
"Well-" M Cassie began, but was interrupted by Megaladon.
"Idon'tknowwhoyouarebutIamgoingtosayhianywaysbutImustinterruptbecauseMY. EGG. IS. HATCHING!" Megaladon screamed breathlessly, and held her cracking egg in her hand.
"Come ON! I can't wait to see you1 We are going to be best friends forever and I can't wait to see you in all of your glory!" She cooed as M Cassie and Ninja looked on uncomfortably.
And finally, the egg hatched. The Pokemon sat there in all of its glory.
"Oh, my-" Began Megaladon, but was swiftly interrupted by the Pokemon.
"Oh, my-" she tried again, but her world was spinning, and before she knew it, the ground tilted and her body connected with the wooden floor.
"I think that went well," Ninja said.
"I'll get the broom," M Cassie said as she walked off to get the broom.
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