Friday, January 15, 2010

'Quel Re

This is not merely an academic course (Where you earn the famous "internet points" for knowing something/pleasing us with your wit), it is also a place where one can see that they are NOT ALONE in this cruel, cruel world. Us true geeks are a dying breed, with imposters around every corner. We are the real deal. We know what we are talking about, as we were there to experience it. We will ultimately continue to know.
As long as there is a new TV show to geek out to.
As long as there is anything to do with a comic book.
As long as long is long.
Medan and I will be there for the ride.
Will you?
-A. Pasal
PS-All thoughts and opinions are of the writers ONLY. They do not reflect the ideas of the schools in the valley, our friends and enemies, though we may share similar interests. We are not trying to INFLUENCE anyone, but that may/may not happen.
You've been warned.

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