The infamous Beaver duck is unlike any other animal hybrid around. It is equal parts Beaver, and Equal parts duck. One may even say it is half/half.
The Beaver Duck can live in various places, ranging from your imagination, to Eastern Australia. It is unique in many different, unique ways. It is the only mammal to lay eggs instead of birthing live young, with the breeding season starting and ending June to October. Beaver Ducks often participate in polygamous lifestyles, so they may have come from various places in Utah as well.
The Beaver Duck has poisonous venom, located in the ankle spurs. Only the males have venomous ankle spurs, as the females do not need to be worried about getting into many physical fights, as they mainly use verbal attacks, much like any other female species. Males are much more prone to get into fights, as that is their macho behavior. Plus, it probably does help to score chicks if they look tough and menacing. The venom is not enough to kill any full grown human, but it might as well: If you were stung by a Beaver Duck, you might as well die from embarrassment.
Beaver Ducks find their food sources (smaller creatures, such as the shrimpy goodness of shrimp) by using electrolocation. Their sensory sensors are located in the skin of their bills, and it can be quite powerful. They can determine the direction of an electric source by moving his head from side to side. If you see this happen, the Beaver Duck is not merely listening to rap music (or certain super-jazz groups) but looking for his/her shrimp cocktail. Beaver Ducks spend about 12 hours a day looking for food. They dive in the water for up to 40 seconds at a time, and spend time out of the water in burrows made of roots or old tree trunks. Electrolocation + Venom also means another thing for the Beaver Duck: It is as close to a Pokémon as many are going to get in their ENTIRE LIVES. Unless you live in the Johto,
The Beaver Duck spends about 17 years of its life alive. The other years it spends dead. The beautiful creature is no where near being extinct, even after years of being captured for its fur. Those days are long gone. Trappers now make fur coats out of minks, and various other endangered species.
All in all, the Beaver Duck is a fascinating creature. It may very well exist, to prove that The Big Guy Up There has a fantastic sense of humor. Also, that Australia is a weird and crazy place.
I gotta get myself one of these!!!