First of all, Happy monthly bacon day! Remember to have bacon and be happy.
It is also A Pasal's half birthday. Hooray!
Our topic today however is incredibly serious. Today I will enlighten you to the grave, grave problem of the male and the speedo. Not the brand Speedo, but the man-bikini brief 'swim suit' that many males feel the need to inflict upon the population.
For a bit of history, I shall let you in on my philosophy that there are certain clothing articles that should require a license or permit to be worn, some of the items included are: mini-skirts, low rise jeans, tube tops, etc. The article most needing to be treated as a contolled substance however is the speedo brief.
For some odd reason, human males seem to believe that their attractiveness increases if they wear a speedo. The opposite is generally true however. Not only does the speedo overemphasize certain features, but it gives the unfortunate audience memories that will never fade of images they wish they had rather not seen.
Were speedos only worn by dishy guys, there would be little cause for complaint. However, most men who are of that calibre realize that the swim trunk is a much safer, generally more appealing option. Instead, it is the unwashed, wizened, non-dishy masses that tend to keep the speedo suit in business.
This is a grave insult to society explorers! Ban together and assist in the cause to require a permit for a speedo! Prevent speedo night-mares for children everywhere! Bring enlightenment to the masses!
Bring down the speedo!, you know what I mean.
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