Monday, January 24, 2011

A Conversation with my Broken iPod

Me: Hello, Broken iPod.
Bi: Wild Thing!
Me: Yes, but can you keep that down? I have appearances to keep up.
Bi: Such Great Heights...
Me: Your sarcasm is noted, and very much appreciated...
Bi: The Angry Mob!
Me: Where? Son of a-
Bi: Sun King.
Me: No. Anyways, you are broken, What gives?
Bi: Last Chance?
Me: No. No more chances. You have let me down before.
Bi: Ladies of the World.
Me: No! Wait, what are you talking about?
Bi: Why do I keep counting?
Me: so now its all my fault?
Bi: Sympathy for the devil.
Me: Really now? Really? After all we've been through. Do you have any last words before I just throw you out the window and call it a day?
Bi: One angry dwarf, and 200 Solemn faces.
Me: Where did that come from?
Bi: Everyday people.
Me: So I guess this is it, then. Goodbye, and good riddance.


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