Saturday, October 30, 2010

Harry Potter and the Lost Chapter.

*Takes place after the epilogue in Deathly Hallows*


Harry awoke with a start. he sat up swiftly, and slammed his head onto the low ceiling.
"What the..." he said, and coughed as he inhaled a cloud of dust. He brushed a spider off of his shoulder wearily, and fumbled around in the dark until he found his old broken glasses, and the doorknob to let him out of his tiny room.
He tumbled out from his room under the staircase, and brushed some more dust off of his too-large T-shirt.
"What is wrong with you, boy!" Barked Uncle Vernon.
"Duddikens ate your birthday pancake, because you were too lazy to get up for your 12th birthday!" Said Aunt Petunia from the kitchen.
"I won't beat you this time. Consider that your birthday present." Uncle Vernon growled, who was a beautiful shade of purple today,
A wave of dissappointment hit Harry.
"I just had the most marvelous dream..." He began, with stars in his eyes.
"Shut up, boy, and do the dishes." Vernon yelled.
Harry sighed, and tried to hang onto the last remnants of his glorious dream as he sadly rolled up his sleeves.


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