Monday, March 26, 2012

the life and adventures of a pre-teen girl

hey, you guys! what is the happs? lol that is short for happening. see how clever and funny i am? my name is amber, but i like to spell it like @mber. see how funny and clever i am? its funny because the @ looks like an a, for amber! lol

these glasses aren't real, as you can see by the punched out lenses, but i think they still make me look pretty smart! lol look how smart and cultured i look. these were 3d glasses, by the way, but i bet you couldn't tell. can you believe that the movie theatre wanted me to give these back? they be crazed. lol

wanna see my tumblr account? this is where i put all my pictures of me up. my eyes look really great in this picture, because i over staurated the image through instagram. i am the only person who has done this, ever. and see this weird camera angle, wayyy up above my head? dont my lips look all pouty and pretty? my hot pink lipstick looks soooo cool too, you guys. lol

i once saw a picture of a raindrop on a leaf. it was so cool i had to take a picture of it from like 8 different angles. all my friends liked it, they think i am a really good photographer. i think i want to pursue that as a life goal, right after model and rock star1 lol by the way, lets take a picture of our SHOES how bad-a would that be. and then we can take a picture of us in black and white. that would be cool too.

omg i forgot to say i have a boyfriend now1! we are soooo in love. he is 17, 3 years older than me, but he is really mature. he drives his moms car around. how cool is that, he can drive1 he listens to bob marley and bob dylan, so you guys can tell he is really cultured and a sensitive soul. sometimes he even plays his guitar for me. i kno we have only been dating for like 4 weeks, but i really think this love is going to last. which is why i tool 80 pictures of us just hanging out on my mac.

ps i have a mac1 pcs suck badly and they were built by some old nerd dude. gross, rite?

look how big i can get my eyes, and look how good my hair looks.
lol look how silly i look in this picture. i crack myself up sometimes.

omg my brother just walked into the room and he farted and now everything smells. i think i am literally going tto puke. so gross.

well, i think that is all the time i have for now! you guys should add me on fb or myspace or tumblr or blogger. that would be super rad.

pc4pc? :)

xoxo @mber

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