I was walking to their house, when a girl with big sunglasses started sprinting towards me. Usually, this means they know who I am, and will end up hugging me, so I stopped and opened my arms wide to recieve the hug. It turns out she didn't know me, and did not want a hug.

So i continue on my merry way to their home, to babysit girl #1 (Names will not be given). Girl #1 is in 5th grade and has a friend, girl #2 over. Girl #2 is in 3rd grade.
OK, I can handle this. Girl #1's dad gives me instructions to take care of the girls while he and his sister go to the big football game that I should be going to because I am in college and it is my team, but I hate football so it doesn't really matter. Girl #1 wants to get sno-cones, I tell her let's wait. Girl #2's sister comes over, who is in the same grade as girl #1. Girl #1 is working on a poster for school and tells them to shut up because they are making too much noise. So girl #2's sister goes home.
Pizza comes, we eat pizza. Girl #2 asks if we can go get sno cones now. It is 630, we can be there and back by 7. Sure. I open the door and there is another little girl, who wants to come with us. Fine. I can totally handle this. Girl #1 and girl #3 ride their bikes, I pull girl #2 in a wagon. Sno cones are 4 blocks away, we make it there when girl #1 say her ankles hurt. Do you want to go home? I ask her. She say no, it doesn't hurt that bad. Let's go to the park! She says. No, time to go home, I say. NO. WE GO TO THE PARK. Girl #1 says. So we go to the park.
We are there for a little bit when I figure it is time to go home for reals. Not even kidding now, I'm in mean babysitter mode now. Girl #2 and girl #3 switch their rides, so I am pulling a different girl. We head on when girl #1 starts to cry because her ankle hurts. Girl #2 starts to cry because she thinks her dad is going to kill her, and girl #3 starts to cry because everyone else is crying. I am freaking out, so I call my mom. She is at the football game, so she can't help. I try to move the girls alone, but nobody is budging. We have to go! I say, but everybody is too busy crying. Girl #2 calls her mom to pick us up so she comes and picks us up. I thank her profusely, she says No Problem! brightly to me, but tells her daughter she is in major trouble. I get to their house, girl #2's mom walks girl #3 home, everybody goes home.
I get inside and sit down. How is your ankle? I ask girl #1. It doesn't hurt anymore.
Well, shit.
Girl #1's dad gets home, and gives me a ride to my house. I tell him everything, he laughs and says his daughter can be manipulative like that. He gives me 50 dollars.
I tell my mom everything, she says I am stupid.
I am the worst babysitter ever.
I am never babysitting ever again.